To serve mankind irrespective of caste, creed, religion or economic status by providing organized quality health care at economical and affordable cost.
To provide quality health care services to all categories of patients by super specialists in multiple fields at very economical & subsidized rates, accessible to everyone, pioneer in high risk patient care that qualifies us as a tertiary referral center.
To provide very comprehensive medical care in a timely manner to all patients by very competent specialist in that field, 24 hours a day & 7days in a week.
This hospital is designated as tertiary referral center for patients of all walks of life only because of having the best Gyeanocologists, General surgeons, Ortho Surgeons, Neuro Surgeons available at all times to deal with any or all emergencies.
To provide state of the art care at the most economical & comparative cost.
To provide the best quality of care to all patient regardless of their social & financial status in cleanest environment.
By providing such quality & comprehensive care, we are striving to achieve the lowest morbidity & mortality rate for a tertiary referral center.
To be pioneer, provider of all diagnosis & therapeutic procedures such as arterial immunization, coiling for aneurisms.