Cardiology Department is housed in Fifth-floor consists of ICCU, CTICU, State of Art Cardiac Operation Theatre, Cath Lab. Non Invasive cardiac tests like 2D Echo & Colour Doppler/TMT are also provided. Cardiac Department is supported by other ancillary departments like Neuro, Nephro, General Surgery and Urology. 24 hours Bio Chemistry, Pathology services, Radiology Services are available.

In addition, Bio-Medical Department, Central Sterile supply department (CSSD), 24 hours Pharmacy, round the clock Security, IT Department, etc., are available.
Apart from the quality physical facilities provided, the management's aim to achieve quality and affordable cardiac services to the people is evidenced by having medical professionals of high caliber and technical skills; the administration too is run by hospital administration professionals, the departments are manned with teams of qualified, experienced and highly motivated nurses and other technical staff. Being a super specialty medical service, the cost of running and maintaining such a service is tremendously high. But the management has structured the rates of services in such a manner that it is very affordable even to the common man.